Question 169:"What are the three darknesses in the
words of Allah:"He created you (all) from a single
person: then created, of like nature, his mate; and he
sent down for you eight head of cattle in pairs: He
makes you, in the wombs of your mothers, in stages, one
after another, in three veils of darkness. such is
Allah, your Lord and Cherisher: to Him belongs (all)
dominion. There is no god but He: then how are ye
turned away (from your true Centre)?"
Answer:In the Name of Allah the Merciful and Intensely
Praise due to Allah the Lord of the Universe,and Peace
be upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad the Imams
and the Mahdis
It is: the darkness of the atoms,and the darkness of
the world,and the darkness of the resurrection,and they
are the worlds of the arc of descension.
And the worlds of the arc of ascension are the three
lights: Before the inexistance,and during the
inexistennce,and the return after the inexistance.And
there are the levels of Muhammad(saw) the three before
the opening of the veil,and after the opening of the
veil,and after the return of the veil.For he oscillates
between the inexistance within the Self of the
Divine,and nothing is left except Allah the One and
Conqueror and his return to the Ego and personality.
And these are the 6 levels in the arc of ascension and
descension,that represent the whole of existance,and
the manifestation of light within the darkness and the
appearace of the existent things with light within the
darknesses-and they are the "pronounced:Waaw و " of descension.And
the "و"of ascension indicates 6 days and 6 levels.
(6) و of descension
(و) و of ascension
The circle in the head of the و refers to the
mystification within the arc of ascension and its the
mystification within light;by being unable to perceive
and know the Complete light that has no darkness from
within,and it is Allah the Exalted and Almighty knowing
him Completely and Perfectly. So the levels of the arc
of ascension: Before the Opening,after the Opening,and
thirdly it is the return to the Ego and Personality
after the inexistance.
As for the mystification within the darkness, it is
because of it being at the lowest level,nothing is
perceived and benefited-for it is darkness and
nonentity,has no luck from its' existance except its'
inclination for existance. And that is the reality of
materialism,darkness and nonentity, nothing is benefited
from it and not a thing is known from it-if it wasn't
for the Kingdom of heaven manifesting within it and
making it appear.
So the levels of the arc of descension are:the World of
the Atoms,and then the descension to the darkness of
materialism,and then ascending to the Rise of the Riser
(Qa'em/Mahdi)until reaching to the Resurrection,
and its the third level
Imam Ahmad Al Hassan (as) Executor of Imam Mahdi(as)------->>>
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Mysticism : The heartbeat of Islam
What is faith according to Islam? Faith is belief in : One God : A Divine Presence, In the existence of spiritual beings known as angels In the revelations of God, the Psalms revealed to David, the Torah sent down to Moses, the New Testament brought to Jesus and the Final Testament, The living Qur'an brought to Muhammad all the prophets that were sent as mercy to mankind : The Judgement Day and Resurrection The Divine Decree destiny
Arc of ascension and arc of descension
Al Yamani,
Imam Ahmad al hassan,
the mahdi,
the riser,
the yemeni